CACFP Cook Along Trainings – 3 Different Session to register for!!
CACFP and Whispering Roots Cook-Along Training Webinars:
NDE and Whispering Roots have partnered to deliver interactive Cooking Matters Cook-Along Training Webinars. This is a repeat of the cook along trainings delivered in November and December. Participants will learn about nutrition, meal planning, and food budgeting from a registered dietitian and will practice making healthy recipes along with cooking tips and tricks from a certified chef. Please share this with anyone you think would be interested!
We are offering three training sessions between February and March!
Each session includes two classes. The first session will take place February 9th and 16th from 5-8 pm CTS. The second session will take place February 23rd and March 2nd from 5-8 pm CTS. And the third session will take place March 11th and 18th from 5-8 pm CST. Participants need to only attend the two classes in a single session.
Other Items to Note:
Pre-registration is required. Participants must attend both classes in a session to receive credit. Participants will be emailed a shopping list of ingredients prior to the training. All classes will take place on Zoom. Following registration, zoom will email a link for attending the course. Cooking along is not required but encouraged! Certificates will be distributed following the completion of the 2nd class in each session. Confirmation emails will be sent once registration is approved. Flyers are attached. Participants will also be mailed a workbook following training.
February 9th and 16th 5-8 pm https://educationne.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcpf-utrT0qE9N0cfGlLbHquInOg-Z5-gc_
February 23rd and March 2nd 5-8 pm https://educationne.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwqc-2upjwrHNYY5ScIt2cVrRBmHwRlZTq-
March 11th and 18th 5-8 pm https://educationne.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArdemvrT8jHdKLInNiRgfv6MfigNhEi5lY
Please let me know if you have any questions!